Imagine this...
It's your first day of college. You are moving in, meeting your roommate, walking around campus, and seeing all the potential this place has to offer. Your nerves start to calm after attending the activities fair and signing up for all the clubs you possibly can. You become very involved and are well known on campus. Sophomore and junior year fly by and all of a sudden you're a senior. You turn 21, go out with friends, maintain your 4.0 GPA, and you've had an amazing college experience. Graduation day comes and you are walking across the stage to accept your diploma, stacks of job offers sitting at home and the second you shake the hand of the president of the university...
It's your first day of college. You are moving in, meeting your roommate....
The first few times, this might seem fun having heard everyone say, "Oh, I would kill to be a college student again." After a while, though, those are not the feelings that I would personally have. I would want nothing more than to escape this cycle of endless action and rebirth that Hinduism calls samsara. Moksa is this escape. In order to reach moksa, one must understand the other aspects of Hinduism such as dharma, asrama, and most importantly atman and brahman. I look forward to continuing to understand the connections between these aspects of Hinduism.
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