Thursday, October 22, 2015

Complexity and Confusion

This week, the main thing that was clear to me was that the concepts of the readings were not. Although it is really interesting to see the way two very similar but very different traditions relate their conventional world to the external world, it is hard for my shallow mind to comprehend even the existence of an external world which is simultaneously everything and nothing that exists outside of space and time. Bartley even says that the best way to describe brahman is by "eliminating all limiting conditions" and using the expression "'not this.'" It's also very difficult for me to comprehend the idea that our conventional world is erroneous, because it definitely does not feel that way. It makes me wonder how this idea even came about and why it's generally accepted by Hindus. If this is, according to Bartley, part of the introduction to Indian philosophy, frankly, I'm worried about what's to come. 

I'm really sorry that this is a short post with a lack of distinct, smart-sounding thoughts. 

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